
Editing is a service provided by ProMosaik Translations. and used to check and resolve problems with previously translated materials. Whether you want to double check your translated text or you are not happy with the original translation, ProMosaik Translations has expert editors ready to review your documentation.

We can take new inputs or considerations (such as a new target market) and edit the text to adapt to a particular local market. ProMosaik Translations will conduct a thorough review of the documentation for accuracy, style, punctuation, potential cultural problems, consistency, grammar, readability, etc. Our editing services are designed to help our customer at every stage of a project. We also consent to working and coordinating with other agencies to ensure that you get the most accurate and reliable end product.

Do not take the risk of publishing a document that may not be ready and verified as 100% accurate. Having to reprint, publish and redistribute text is expensive and can damage your image in your target market, not to mention the time wasted in the process.

ProMosaik Translations will provide you with that extra assurance you need before pushing the “print” button.